以下のページの記述が役に立った。google spreadsheetでは、script editorでjsコードを書けて、それをspreadsheet上で関数を実行できることを改めて再認識。
To create a "timestamp" formula, you can write your own custom timestamp() function and then have it update based on when the contents of another cell are modified.で、自分が書いたスクリプトが以下。
1. Tools > Scripts > Script Editor2. Paste the following code:
function timestamp() {
return new Date()
3. Save and go back to your Spreadsheet
Let's say you want a timestamp in cell B1 whenever cell A1 is updated...
In cell B1 put the forumla =TIMESTAMP(A1)
*** However, this will show a timestamp even if cell A1 is blank. To only show a timestamp when a cell has content, use this formula:
Hope this helps!
function timestamp(a,b,c ,d) { var now=new Date(a,b,c,d); var time=now.getTime(); return time }年月日時間の四要素から、秒を取得する必要があったので、上記のような感じで。
便利なり、google spreadsheet !